Trade, Commerce

Helping businesses and economies grow across nations.

New horizons for you
and your business.

See what make Qatar a great opportunity for your business

Over 50 years of diplomatic relations between the US and Qatar

Bilateral relationships to Foster mutual understanding and growth

The American Chamber of Commerce in Qatar (AmCham Qatar) is the first legally established foreign Chamber of Commerce in Qatar. AmCham Qatar was first launched February 2010 and is registered as a private institution for public benefit. AmCham Qatar is a non-profit, non-governmental and non-political organization dedicated to fostering mutual cooperation and understanding between Qatar and the United States through trade, commerce and investment.

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Supporting commercial growth and international expansion

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AmCham Qatar serves as a forum in which American business people in Qatar can identify, discuss and pursue common commercial interests. As well as work with organizations in Qatar and internationally on matters of mutual interest. Amcham will also serve as a conduit of information to the governments and public of both the United States and Qatar concerning the improvement of business conditions. Maintaining relations with chambers of commerce in the United States and other chambers of commerce or commercial organizations.

Join forces and strengthen your business
through foreign commerce

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